This post, is for the BOYS. A fellow blogger of mine, A_Lying_Fisherman asked me a very good question on my previous post, Scarf Season!. He asked "I am curious if there are any dedicated to sportsmen or the likes there of?" Well to answer your question, YES! Pinterest has loads of sports boards to follow and plenty of posts to read and "repin."
Every time you hit the refresh button on your screen, Pinterest always have something new to show you. When you search "sports news" in the search engine, all of the latest articles about athletes, game results, who's fired and who's being hired all show up. Huge sports-news websites, such as, and all use Pinterest to put up their latest articles.
For example, I searched "NFL" since I'm a huge Giants fan and this Pin of the image below came up and I clicked on it and it lead me directly to NFL's website where from there I can read the articles how the Giants kicked San Francisco's ass on Sunday. I'm just saying.
Any thing you want,s Pinterest ha it. Its search engine is kind of like Google and Bing but instead of boring links, it has pictures related to whatever your searching for.
I love it and you will too :)
Check it out.
Bye Pinners!